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Meet the Board

This year we have a dedicated board that runs the History Club at UCD 

Robert Ridgley

Robb is a fourth-year History and Political Science Major. He helped create the History Club in Fall 2019. Robb is interested in 19th-century French political history and is writing an honors thesis on the consequences of the 1871 Paris Commune in America. Before enrolling at UC Davis, Robb spent a year working in an Emergency Room in Sacramento. After graduating, Robb will be attending law school where he hopes to study immigration and public interest law. 

Jake is a senior at UC Davis majoring in History and minoring in African American Studies. He became an officer in Winter 2021. Jake is primarily interested in 19th and 20th-century Brazilian and US history in a transnational and international context, and the development of transnational social movements and policing bodies. He is currently writing an honors thesis incorporating these themes. Prior to transferring to UC Davis in Fall of 2019, Jake attended the California Jazz Conservatory in Berkeley, California and he has been a professional pianist and instructor for over a decade.

Alex Flater

Alex is a second year History major with a minor in Political Science. Alex joined and became the secretary of this history club in the winter of 2020. His favorite time period to study is in American history with a particular interest in the different factors leading up to the cold war and the effects this had on global relations between nations. Still with a long road ahead Alex plans to get his teaching credentials to be able to teach in a high school, and also take the proper courses to one day become a principal.

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Aubrey Schoeman
Vice President 
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Aubrey is a fourth year Theatre and Dance, History double major. She has been an officer of the History Club since Fall 2019. Aubrey is an actor and a dancer, although opportunities at UCD have led her into the realm of choreography, where she studies pedestrian movement and intimacy between bodies. Aubrey is interested in the social, cultural, and political history of twentieth and twenty-first century America, but will most likely find anything remotely historical to be intriguing.

Lucia Brown
Publicity and Social Media Coordinator
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Lucia is a third year transfer student from Long Beach City College. She is a history major with a minor in Technology Management. Her favorite time era to study is the 1700's particularly in Europe. She is involved in several clubs at UCD including  La Raza Pre-Law Student Association and Davis Women in Business . After graduating from Davis with her bachelors she has plans to pursue law school and seek a job in corporate law. 

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Nanditha Pillai

Nanditha is a second-year history major. She learned about the History Club through a seminar class about violence and homicide in Early Modern Europe. She's still not sure what she wants to do during the rest of her time at Davis, let alone afterwards, but is trusting that she has time to figure that out. In addition to the History Club, Nanditha is involved in EMRAP, a program at the UC Davis Medical Center, and is a board member for HOPE (Homeless Outreach through Prevention and Education). 

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